New report on Communicating with Future Generations

December 8, 2017

The Toxic Legacies Project has released its third and final report on the issue of communicating with future generations at Giant Mine. The report details the results of a workshop, where Yellowknives Dene Elders and members of the Yellowknife community put pen (and marker, and sketch pencil) to paper to record their ideas for monuments, stories, and symbols that might warn future generations of the arsenic hazard at Giant Mine. You can fine the results of the reports and a two page summary here:

There is still much work to be done in the community, but the TL team hopes that this report will serve as a valuable resource for discussions as they move forward. You can find more information on communicating with future generations, along with links to all our reports and summaries, at the Communicating with Future Generations project page.

Many thanks to everyone who helped organize the workshop and to those who contributed their ideas during our deliberations. Mahsi Cho!